Libee’s Senior Portrait Session
If you have been following my work for some time now, you know that while I have lived and owned a photography business in Florida since 2006 – I am Indiana born and raised! My hometown of Wabash, Indiana has been my summer getaway for many years. As the years have flown by, I find myself in Indiana more often visiting family and celebrating milestones! This was my 3rd trip back this year and the goal… Libee’s senior session! Two days, two towns and and more outfit changes than I can count – I had such a great time hanging out with my niece! Libee is wise beyond her years and has a voice that will make you pick your jaw up off the ground! And well, the camera just loves her! Big things heading her way!! A shout out to Eagles Theatre for letting us use their space! (Fun fact: Eagles was the location of my husband & I’s first official date, 8th grade!) Below are just a few of my favorites…